How We Operate

First of all, speaking for all current members, we wish to welcome you to our club. We truly want you to feel that this is your club as well and that we are not only your fellow curlers but your new friends. For some of you, this may be your first time to visit with us. The purpose of this message is to acquaint you with some basic information about the club (how it's run, membership dues, curling etiquette, etc) and to point you in the right direction should you have more detailed questions.

We have a Board of Directors that are elected from the general membership for a term of two years. The Board elects its Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and also establishes and appoints the Chairs of the various operating committees (membership, games, maintenance, fund raising, etc). The Board meets on a regular basis to conduct the club's business.

While the expenses of running the club keep rising, the board closely monitors the finances to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to keep costs under control. We rely upon the good efforts of all members for volunteer support in the routine tasks required to run the club and its events. Volunteering is as much a part of the membership obligation as is the paying of dues.

Each member's support, freely given during the curling season, is what allows us to provide one of the finest winter activities for young and old at a most affordable price. In terms of the fun and activity a member receives from the club, we dare say there isn't a more affordable indoor activity to be found. When you consider the facilities and good times enjoyed before, during and after the games, it is amazing that so few people know much about it and curling seems to be the best kept secret to be found this side of ground level.

- Lumby Curling Club